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Moscow [Red Square]

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Red Square is a large public square located in the heart of Moscow, the capital city of Russia. The square measures about 695 by 130 meters, making it one of the largest city squares in the world. The square has a rich history dating back to the late 15th century and has been an important gathering place for political, cultural, and social events throughout its history.

The name "Red Square" is not actually related to the color red, but rather comes from the Russian word "krasnyi," which means "beautiful." Over time, the meaning of the word shifted, and it came to be associated with the color red.

The most recognizable feature of Red Square is the iconic St. Basil's Cathedral, which is located on the southern end of the square. This colorful cathedral was built in the 16th century and is a popular tourist destination. The square also contains other notable landmarks, such as the State Historical Museum, the GUM department store, and Lenin's Mausoleum.

Red Square has played a significant role in Russian history, and many important events have taken place there. It has been the site of coronations, military parades, political rallies, and even public executions. Today, it remains a popular gathering place for celebrations, such as New Year's Eve and Victory Day, and serves as a symbol of Russia's rich cultural heritage.

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