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Your perspective creates your thoughts

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This statement holds a profound truth that has been echoed by spiritual teachers and thinkers for centuries.

Essentially, we are reminded that the way we view the world determines the thoughts that we have. Our perspective shapes our thoughts, and our thoughts, in turn, shape our reality. This means that if we want to change our reality, we must first change our perspective.

To understand this concept better, let us consider an example. Suppose you are walking down the street, and someone bumps into you. Your immediate reaction might be to get angry and start shouting at the person. However, if you take a step back and consider the situation from a different perspective, you might realize that the person was not intentionally trying to harm you. Perhaps they were distracted or had something on their mind. With this new perspective, you might feel more inclined to let go of your anger and move on with your day.

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