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Worlds of IF Science Fiction #178

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Enjoy the second issue of Worlds of IF, the relaunched, classic science fiction magazine! Exploring the ever-evolving horizon of science fiction, while firmly grounded in the history of the genre.

Coming in at a tremendous 180-pages of high-voltage creativity, issue #178 contains an exciting and electric selection of energized work from some of the biggest names and rising stars in science fiction & fantasy!

In this issue:

Casey Aimer

Charlie Jane Anders

Eugen Bacon

Gustavo Bondoni

Gregg Chamberlain

A J Dalton

Mike Dooley

Douglas Draa

Denise Dumars

Bob Eggleton

Peet Ellison

Kendall Evans

Zdravka Evtimova

David Gerrold

Neil R. Jones

Toshiya Kamei

David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Mary Soon Lee

Gideon Marcus

Rodney Matthews

Bruce Pennington

Marianne Plumridge

Daniel Pomarède

Gareth L. Powell

Christopher Mark Rose

Paulo Sayeg

John Shirley

Robert Silverberg

Nigel Suckling

Todd Sullivan

Wendy Van Camp

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