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I Need a Website!

An overview of the process of setting up a basic website or blog.

In this course, you'll learn about:

  • How you can set up a blog or simple website, no matter how comfortable you are (or aren't) with technology
  • The pros and cons of popular platforms for building and managing websites (such as WordPress and Wix)
  • How to choose a domain name and web hosting provider (and what those terms mean!)
  • How to choose a good WordPress theme (if you choose to build a WordPress website)
  • Tips for setting up your blog.
  • The most important things to do before launching your website.

What this course WON'T teach:

Because the setup process is different for each website, this course won't guide you step-by-step customizing a website template. Instead, I'll teach you the basics you need to know before setting up your website and point you to all the resources you need in order to set up your website on your own.

Your Instructor: Ashley Mann

Hi, I'm Ashley! I started my journey as an online entrepreneur by creating a website called, which changed my life by giving me the freedom to work from home as my own boss, doing something I enjoyed. Since starting that website, I've set up quite a few other websites for myself and others. I love passing along what I've learned about websites, blogging, and online marketing to help others achieve their goals.

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