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Powerful Affirmations For FemPrenuers Vol 2

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Powerful Affirmations for FemPrenuers Volume 2 is written to empower and encourage female entrepreneurs with powerful affirmations and Scriptures as they venture throughout their busy day.

Customer Reviews

Miriam M. Wright

Verified Buyer

1 year ago

Powerful Book, Must Read!

This book has a chapter dedicated solely to me, thank you so much Brenda Sawyer. God knew what he was doing when he connected us, two FemPreneurs on the same path. You are an amazing author, mentor, co-Host and friend. Always having an Encouraging Word! This book is no different, it is a must read! If you are Kingdom Business Woman you’de want to get a copy of this in your hands. Brenda thank you again so much for your love, your support and Powerful Affirmationa!