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Grieve Easy - Audiobook (Coming MAY 30, 2024

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This is the audiobook format of the ground breaking book by Matthew E. Bradby, II. This book has taken me over five years to complete. As I processed through my failed marriages and awful relationships, I had no choice but to discover a lot about me. As you will see, from chapters one through three, how much I've changed, matured, and gained wisdom from my pain. I've called the early chapters of this journey, SEASON ONE, because in it I was still harboring the pain, anger, and hurt from a previous relationship. SEASON TWO was written about two years after the first chapters and the later chapters, SEASON THREE, was written in 2015, some two to three years after SEASON TWO. Please walk with me as I chronicle my raw feelings, experiences, emotions, and struggles in life as I transcended from a place of pain to the place of total wholeness while embracing the process of learning how to... GRIEVE EASY
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