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A long time ago, near the middle of the twentieth century, a great World War occurred.


When the war ended, millions of young warriors returned to their homes; the soldiers would remain far removed from the bloody violence and horrific destruction they had witnessed and participated in.


Victorious GIs would rejoice in crisp, clean uniforms as they disembarked on their native soil in the United States. 


The weary GIs could almost taste the freedom that would soon be theirs; now, in the blood’s aftermath and gore, they could only hope for the spoils of civilian life in their homeland to compensate for their losses.


It would be one final opportunity for these young men to march in unison with their new medals affixed to their military dress uniforms and display their new medals in unison.


While preparing for the challenges of assimilating millions of returning soldiers into society, the United States of America foamed at the mouth, smiling from sea to shining sea. 


Unfortunately, not everyone in America shared in the joy........................

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