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You're on your own Kid. // A Roleplay Promo Template.

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This is a promo template that I made for my own use sometime last year. It was around the time her Midnights album came out. You can use this as a two panel or one panel promo. The flower pngs and cat png aren't mine, but I made this so long ago, that I'm not sure where I got them from.

The psd coloring I used is not included, but it is up for download. The psd is called Moody Delights and can be found on my payhip here or my deviantart here.

The fonts I used are :: FATYE. STREAMSTER. && BACK TO CLASS. I could only find one place to download the Back to Class font and I don't know if it's the original place I got it from.

If you download or purchase this template, please give me credit when you use this. Thank you!

You will get a PSD (36MB) file