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S.W.L Winter Shred

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Welcome to our Strength With Luv family!

For the next 12 weeks, you will challenge yourself mentally and physically as you work hard pushing towards your goals! Throughout this program you will shred fat and build lean muscle through different movements using bodyweight, resistance bands and exercise equipment. This program is designed to be done at the gym.

The program is broken down into 3 days split training full body days every week, MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS along with 2 cardio days for maximum results! Video demonstrations are also attached to each day to show the proper way to perform each exercise. Please follow the
plan, do not add, take away OR skip a day from the structure.

For maximum results, clean eating and drinking plenty of water is highly suggested! And remember, our bodies can do ANYTHING we tell it to so push through!
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