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Positive Thinking Secrets

How to Build a Positive Mindset, Re-program your Mind for Success and Destroy Negative Limiting Beliefs!

Attention professionals who want to embrace a positive thinking mindset

Are you struggling to maintain a positive frame of mind?


Do you need public accountability in free challenges on Facebook to ‘think positive’?


Feel like screaming at well-wishers who tell you to think positive when you’re going through a tough phase?

Do you really struggle to find happy events that fuel positive emotions?

The answer is quite possibly a resounding affirmative to at least 1 of these questions. 

Quite possibly you've been jolted out of your slumber thanks to COVID-19 which created changes in the work environment, and you might have the specter of redundancy hanging over you.

I get you, honestly.

Positive thinking is challenging when things are not working out the way we had planned they would.

I admit it is not easy to stay positive when we are bombarded with negative news in the papers, television and internet.

The economic environment has also not lent itself to staying positive for long periods of time. The stress of everyday life can be overwhelming, create anxiety and yes, distort the way we view the world.


I’ve personally gone through phases where life events overtook me and finding that silver lining in a dark cloud was a big achievement!

That was until positive thinking became a habit

I was motivated to write a blog post in January 2013 on the 7 Day Positivity Challenge.


In 2018, while creating a list of my all-time popular posts, I was surprised to discover the winner, by a wide margin, was THAT post!


It inspired me to do a Google Search for Positivity Challenge and found 5,440,000 results in 0.24 seconds which included Pinterest Boards as well as quite a few Facebook Pages on the topic with over 300 Likes.


Out of curiosity, I repeated the search on 17 November 2023 and found 33,900,000 in 30 seconds including my original post.


Clearly, negative thinking reigns supreme and the positivity challenge remains popular.

But it doesn't have to be that way for you

Imagine embracing a positive mindset that supports you through challenges you might face in your career and life.


Imagine creating a habit that builds your resilience when the chips are down?

If that sounds good to you, then I have a short but powerful self-help guide to help you develop this habit.


Positive Thinking Secrets

 How to Build a Positive Mindset, Re-program your Mind for Success and Destroy Negative Limiting Beliefs!


This short but powerful guide aims to shift your mindset to a positive one without positive thinking toxicity so that you can take back control over your life and career letting go of fear and limiting beliefs.

To make a transformational change, you need more than just information.

You need to understand the science behind positive thinking and the Think Positive Mindset.


Once you have the foundational background, you’ll apply


  • 21 Positive Thinking Habits and Hacks using simple techniques that immediately shift your thinking to a positive one


  • Support your efforts with 3 recommended Positive Thinking Apps (no affiliate links!)


  • Get positive reinforcement with the 21 Day Positive Thinking Challenge to keep you on track, get results and experience the transformation you’re seeking.


Go deeper into your Inner Work with exercises on


  1. Banishing Negative Self-Talk
  2. Coping with your Triggers
  3. Changing Negatives to Positives

And You get a course completion certificate!

Reading the guide isn't enough for success.

You need to take action for results.


You have to get serious about the change you seek and not just download a digital product and let it gather dust on your computer hard drive.




BONUS #1: 25 Positive Thinking Hacks Report


Accelerate your positive thinking habit with further exercises that can be applied on a daily basis.


BONUS #2: A 30-Minute Career Breakthrough Consultation


A no-obligation opportunity to talk to me about the mindset roadblocks in your career path and your desire to be seen as a Leader. 


Take Ownership of your Mindset and make it a truly Positive One!

Your Investment in You

Get Serious Take Positive Action


Course curriculum