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A&G Anybody seen Tosca in Pattaya

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Tosca had Fluent Mandarin and Mum was no stranger to piloting the Viper class Tom was open For them to appear in their whisky Adverts and glad to discuss fees anytime this was one big happy family with lots of helpful advice and genuine support Tom went over to Gaz Piano but it was Dewi who sat at the keys Tom Smiled at Him and Introduced him to Elon Musk Family as the Unknown Star that backs Dreams to come true he was the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son and that was His God-given Talent. A Cousin of the Great Richard Burton Family 

When Tosca heard his voice it was as if she was struck dumb the Tone of his voice in reciting the beggarman's poem made her knees go weak she felt the presence of a great actor voice who was such a terrific storyteller had them all Laughing and near to tears with his 20 minutes spot they did not want him to stop but alas everything must end and get the Children to Bed 

On shaken Dewi Hand Tosca had a shock as tingling sensations were racing over her skin weird very weird all was cordial and nice to meet up.

 Lo Bo had the Confirmation from Elon but still called Gaz directly to confirm all changes would be made he said to Gaz how so many Wealthy Ladies Please get them here by Nine for the Course 

Elon Dropped them off in Shanghai which looked Bursting with those people just such crowds and traffic, and He would stay in Pattaya at the Winery Mansion with Delores keeping an Eye on her Father's Rejuvenator progress was a slow Five-minute program every other day 

Tracy was still acting CEO until next week and she made sure those squidji Uniforms were on Hand for Maye & Tosca They Looked the Part as New Trainees among all the other Billionaires They had signed up That Incase clause Needed their craft would be used to help save the Planet Earth, 

This was a week that Tosca helped her mam fully understand the Power of China and their knowledge of the Universe the simulators were for two pilots until the last day your practical test of saving yourself in the Bubble Crash simulator Maye was not shy in Telling Tosca she was petrified of being on her own in such a Dark Universe was so real this final step but this is what they had trained for Give Thanks your Alive and slow yourself down let your mind walk you through the Drill and what is available in many of the tests the instructors removed one or two of the life-saving articles and it was up to you to improvise only James & Ken had scored Higher than Gaz and AL nobody Knew that only Shanghai HQ 

She went first and did Maye in the simulators all checks were good to Go

When they Spun her at hell of a Rate and hit the craft blacking she had no time to think everything out but when the bubble put its small safety light on she could read what she had available this was the Frightening part and she felt the extreme danger that this could happen and the reality of this was a spacecraft to the latest design. she had to find a way to Mayday signal and she had to wait to put the auto outside Harness hooked up by her remote arm they told her she had a Seven Inch Gash on her leg and to improve her health Priority to stop the blood flow she was good at first aid and then it was Morse Code for May Day brilliant she soon had the Rescue craft and grabbed the Hook with a very steady hand to hook up and Away to the applause outside as everyone was watching her progress Pass Mark 90 Percent as good as Elon 

Tosca sailed through the same marks Cut Head what a Brilliant Week this had been meeting so many like-minded people all thinking the same thing they would have the last chance of survival if catastrophe hit Earth Saturday Morning Elon and Tracy came to Get some Photos for the AEG networks and Do the Presentation with the Lo Bo Brothers

M&M-ASTRO was Maye's insignia and TOSCA-ASTRO was her own those Call signals embossed inside and Outside now the Proof of their skills was to Land on The Universe Dancer while Underway this was no problem They each wee Inch perfect in landing side by side now her was Five ladies and Four men craft sitting on the Parking bay

 There was a Farewell and surprise party in their honour Elon arranged Celebrations and the safety of His Mum and Sister he was also scared


Tom and Dewi did more Blue Brother impersonations AL did Frank Sinatra Gaz did Barry White

Maye did Edith Piaf and ended with Tosca as Celion Dion Martha and Julie were missing this fun 

Held up in Las Vegas because of street protests nothing was flying in our Mayor's orders. It was 2 am when they touched down to everyone sleeping. Tom and Dewi were all back in Dalian only they were sitting on the Dancer looking up at a pitch-black sky.

Sunday Morning it was Gaz Breakfast and played Catch up on the Girl's success they all went out to look over The two new fleet additions and see what modifications had been done everything was Gleaming spotless as the showroom knew they showed Photos of the last night's celebrations that they had missed it dawned on Maye how in most of these photos Tosca was looking at Dewi Burton but said nothing just a mums intuition, Tosca said at the breakfast table they had missed a great evening and she was now Sad as from Tomorrow onwards Mum and I are flying Solo and that struck Maye, Tosca was right the Five million dollar Craft you don't leave unattended it's You are the Master of The Universe, not Earth The Universe they all knew needed NASA approval to leave Earth's atmosphere and that was Indoctrinated Facts.



Sail Time at thirty knots was 1536 Nautical miles or 2 days at 30 Knots speed The world Save the Children Fund had Paid for this one-off Advert where the Flying Side of the Dancer rescues a boat full of orphans in Aberdeen Harbour backdrop it was Tom Morgans Film Crew and Gala Evening Dinners show Dewi playing a character like a Captain Jasper Fish Fingers was the only talking role as Kids were all Choir singing the Hit Jingle already famous what should have been a one day turned out Three due to the Bad weather but on the third day Hong Kong Came back to that sunshine sky,

Then The Universe Dancer brought Hong Kong to stand still Flying out of nowhere to rescue all the drowning Kids in a Make believe few moments it was a huge success with over a Billion Hits on YouTube alone

Elon Requested A&G amicable Agreement to leave all Respnsibilites and his Six Trillion Returned plus any Interest so he was free and no Burden or Distractions from The HQ Pattaya Space Center and all their Subsidaries He sat with AL & Gaz on the Dancer and let go all his pent up Feelings he was Crying his heart out Big discisions Big Feelings AL said let all go son You know the door always open your Young enough to want that Hghest Office to changed Mankind go for it with our Blessing Heexplained how he had been Moved by the Millon Signatures begging him to stay on Earth His Mind needed Focus and staying with A&G was to many Distractions in such a loving way and the lifestyle of The Universe Dancer he was Spoilt, This was his Calling a Mans Thing focus on what he wanted to achieve and Go for it and Taking back his Funds was the only direct control with Finacing his Campaign as of 1st January 2025 Six Trillion Plus interest and Elon left AEG to Campaign for the White house AEG now Reverted Back to A&G.

This news Shook the World knowing the determination of Elon Musk was a formidable force to stand up for the Truth with A&G still Firmly on his side, they knew this was ordained from a higher source

His mind needed that big Picture Focus 

The Night of The Christmas AEG Party early 6,30 PM not a sign of Tosca this was such an important Night for Her and Elon was worried about where could she be A&G Jungle drums anybody seen TOSCA in PATTAYA went into overdrive,


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