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141.27 Hz - Frequency of Mercury & Throat Chakra

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141.27 Hz is the frequency of Mercury and the throat chakra.

Located at the base of the throat, the throat chakra is the fifth of seven major energy centers that distribute the flow of prana or energy throughout the body. The throat chakra is the first of the three spiritual chakras, and governs the thyroid, parathyroid, neck, mouth, jaw, tongue, and larynx. When energy flows through the throat chakra freely, we are able to express ourselves freely, confidently and truthfully. 

As all seven chakras are interconnected, blockages or imbalances in the throat chakra can affect all the other chakras. This disruption of energy can impact negatively on your mind, body, and spirit. Balancing the throat chakra enables you to create a solid foundation for opening and balancing all the chakras above.

141.27 Hz works to balance the throat chakra. Stimulation of the pharynx area with the frequency of Mercury may assist organs and/or body parts associated with the throat chakra. Use this frequency if you are challenged in the areas of honesty and integrity, self-expression and communication. This frequency is ideal for those who need the courage to speak publicly.
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