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The #1 business course for small businesses

As a small business owner, it is important to recognize the vital role your business plays in achieving both your personal and professional goals. I will help remove some of the mystery about your future by arming you with the information you need to make the best financial decisions possible.

Knowing the value of a business can change the life of a business owner – especially over time.

Enjoy 60% off of the presale price of my of game changer course, “What’s your Business Worth.” The course will be available on 11/29 for $250, but get it for just $100 during our Cyber Monday sale!


If you own a business, it’s probably one of your most valuable and prized assets.  


This course will help you:


 *Better understand your business and its potential

 *Know the value of your largest asset so you can plan for retirement 

*Ensure the business and your family are properly protected 

*Create a succession plan 

*Pay the right amount when you buy a business 

*Get what the business is worth when sold 

*Create buy/sell agreements with business partners

 *Explore funding opportunities 

*Establish a trust or create an estate plan 

*Prepare for taxable events such as gifting or grants  


