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My Golden Book - Powerful Manifestations - Universe

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You don't need to know english to use this subliminal program

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What is my golden book?

This subliminal program was created and inspired by some methods of manifestations, the wishes of the person and the belief that their manifestations are coming has been successful in many audiences ...

The power to declare or decree as much as possible sometimes creates obsession or anxiety but some people say they have still achieved success by manifesting their wishes ...

In this method, what we did was promote all kinds of manifestations, acquire all that energy based on their writing.
Give power and energy to everything you think through writing to quickly materialize everything you want in this 3D world

So we told a few of them to do their demonstrations as they normally would.
While others who did it in the golden book

Some people had no results with the normal manifestations

Others manifested little things

And with the golden book at least one higher success, compared to other methods

That is how we decided to improve it and bring this program even more powerful
This program uses the law of attraction and the law of assumption

By this point of the reading you should know at least what is the law of attraction and the law of assumption

Creation mode: What you are going to do next is necessarily mandatory, if you acquire this audio you need to do these steps otherwise you will not be able to develop the full potential of the audio or the book

- You will need a notebook
- A pencil
- Paper to decorate your notebook in gold or yellow

The notebook preferably that is small (so that it is easy to store) or large if you are going to keep it where no one can see or touch it other than you
The pencil can be one you already have at home or a new one, either is fine.
The colored paper can be found in the nearest bookstore, it does not have to be exactly gold, it can be yellow or a color that resembles gold
What he will do after acquiring the paper is to decorate the notebook the same as when he covered his notebooks at school.

Some of the benefits are:

⭐ Everything you write in your golden book is fulfilled
⭐ All your positive thoughts projected in your book come true
⭐ Powerful and fast manifestation
⭐ All writing manifests itself in the 3D world
⭐ The golden book has incredible power
⭐ The universe empowers your golden book
⭐ Connection with the universe
⭐ Great harmony with the universe
⭐ Synchronization with your thoughts
⭐ You receive unlimited power
⭐ You manifest everything you want
⭐ Lidro Dorado powerful and magical
⭐ Your writing is vehemently enhanced
⭐ Law of attraction in your favor
⭐ Create your new world
⭐ Great power to manifest and give everything through your energies
⭐ Become a magic wand to manifest everything you want
⭐ Cover and fulfill your dreams
⭐ Live on your wishes
⭐ Realization of all your dreams
⭐ Love and Happiness
⭐ ++++++

How to use: You will have to listen to the audio for at least 10 days before you can write what you want to express or attract in your life.

Meanwhile you have 10 days enough to decorate your book as you like

After 10 days have passed you can write what you want so much, it is not necessary after 10 days it can be on any day (11, 12, 13, etc)
When you start to write in your golden book, do it when you really feel that what you are going to write will manifest itself.
Never write without feeling anything, nor feel obliged to write, you can write only one request a day
In that way it gives you enough power to be manifested to your reality.
Trust what you are going to write, and feel as if you already have it

Everything you write in your golden book has to be before you sleep
This is because when writing in your book you will use part of your energy
So what is normal if you feel a little tired after writing?
Do not worry about the energy expenditure you have used in your writing, when you sleep you will recover all that you spent during the day and during its manifestations

What things can I attract or manifest?

As this audio has the law of attraction and the law of assumption, you will attract and manifest everything you want.

These two laws complement each other so success is guaranteed

It can attract or manifest anything from objects to people.
It can attract money, love, health, material objects such as cars, cell phones, computers, etc.
It can attract animals such as a cat, a dog, a parrot, a monkey, etc ...
It can attract love, a partner, women, men, friends, etc ...
It can change your life or shape your life
Can change your future
Start creating your new world, you want to be a millionaire, then start creating your wealth, feel and live at the end of your journey

You can ask for someone if you want
You own your world and your reality
So start believing in all the good you want in your life

Always be positive before writing on your golden book

Be happy and grateful that everything you write from now on because you already have it

Everything you write in your book should be as if you already have it
Since that's what the assumption law is about
You can thank the universe or God in the end

This audio has to unlock your full potential
So you can also write your affirmations in your golden book of the subliminal, binaural or mobile audio you hear (manifest physical changes)

In this program you will find an audio called Universal Power

This audio will only be used for 3-4 days and you will have to put it inside your golden book if you will listen to it with a mobile
The open book will make you listen to your computer or laptop speakers or some sound equipment

How to use:

If you will reproduce it with the mobile phone, the pencil and the cell phone must be inside the book so that the energy can be channeled inside, the book must be closed.

If you will do it with speakers or some sound equipment, the book will have to be open together with the pencil

Audio must be played for at least 1 hour

When it is played, only you and the book should be there, you can also leave the room and have it play while you do other things

This will be done for 3 consecutive days after that it will delete the audio or you can save it if you want but it should never be played again.
So to avoid these inconveniences, I would suggest removing it permanently.

It may be difficult to do all this but this is how it will really be very effective
The results that you will have will be really incredible

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The long version you can listen to it from 3 to 6 listens

Listening to the short version 3 times is equivalent to 1 hour of listening

It is powered with unique energy
And with a field that will unlock all your inner power
Destroy all the blocks that prevent you from believing in your results and / or manifestations
And become a master of the manifestation

Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and observe the path that your attention follows.
Believe that your prayers are already done.
You are already what you want to be and your refusal to believe is the only reason why you do not see it
Know what you want to replace what you have. When you know what it is, you must assume the feeling that you have it. Although your reason and your senses will deny its existence

Update: My Golden Book Version 1.7
- New techniques
- 20 additional affirmations
- Energetic audio
- Hemi-Sync technology
- Speed

Subliminal program produced by Fantasy Nebulosa Studios ©

This program has 3 files:
- An original high quality wav file (Personal Gold Book)
- A wav file just for your book and pencil (Universe)
- A short version high quality wav file

Unlike the Spanish program
In this version it includes a slight update and contains a short version

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Obtendrás los siguientes archivos:
  • WAV (202MB)
  • WAV (65MB)
  • WAV (41MB)

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