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Clash of the Superpowers

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Several years ago, I wrote my novel, The Brotherhood of the Scroll, following the broad historic outline of the events which happened during the time period covered by the Book of Jeremiah in the Old Testament.  Like any work of fiction, many of the characters, what they do and say, and the events which occur in the novel, are things I imagined and put to paper.  Yet, much of what does occur is based on actual events recorded in Scripture.  From the beginning, one of my prayers for the novel was that as people read it, they would be driven back to the Bible – particularly the Old Testament – to see which events described really happened, as opposed to being fictional.

       My son Jason suggested I write a study guide aimed at teens and young adults.  In our conversations, we agreed that such a study guide be designed to address the following three objectives:

  1. How is the Old Testament relevant to Christ’s teachings?
  2. How can a bunch of stories about people and places I know nothing about be relevant to my life?
  3. What spiritual and moral lessons can I learn from reading this novel and understanding the historical and biblical background upon which it is based?
      I wrote that study guide in 2005, and since then several churches have used it as they’ve read Brotherhood for a group bible study. 

      In 2011, a friend at church, Shannon Baker, talked to me about using the novel and study guide in teaching a small group of High School girls who were part of her home school study network.  Shannon encouraged me to consider adding assignments and a syllabus for home school/church school families who might wish to build an academic course around the material.  I agreed, and so set to work adding the necessary academic components. 

      The Brotherhood of the Scroll:  Clash of the Superpowers is the product of that effort.  It retains the thrust of the original study guide – to provide an historical and scriptural background to the ideas presented in my novel.  It also retains a discussion group focus, posing discussion questions that revolve around a Christian World View as they are illustrated by the characters in the novel. But, it adds vocabulary and people/place/event/mythology matching quizzes, essay assignments, as well as assignments that involve creating time lines of the events in the novel. 

      Back in 2015, Christine Hindle reviewed my course for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.  You can read her entire review by CLICKING HERE.  Here is her conclusion:

  • “I am extremely impressed with this curriculum and if your high school student is looking for a meaty, not run of the mill, type of Bible curriculum then I highly recommend this. I think adult Bible study groups would also enjoy this. I always like the Old Testament studies the best!”
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