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Jett the Octopus

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Do you need a hug? Jett the Octopus can give you four!

This cuddly little guy begins with his body knit in the round on double-pointed needles. The arms are then knit consecutively by picking up stitches along the base of the body. This means there are only 4 ends to weave in! Pretty great for an eight-armed toy, right? And just like real octopuses, Jett can be big or small. A small amount of any yarn weight from fingering to super bulky can be used, so he’s great for using up leftovers.

I named this little guy Jett for the ink clouds that octopuses eject to evade predators and also for the jet propulsion they use to get around. Despite his name, Jett loves all colors, so feel free to knit him in something more vibrant than jet black.

How BRAVE should you be to knit Jett? Adventurous--You’re up for a challenge; you can knit in the round, pick up stitches, and read your knitting.

--30-80 yd. (27-73 m) yarn of any gauge, but smooth, even yarns will give better results. Lightweight yarn will use a smaller amount than heavyweight yarn.
--Set of 4 double-pointed needles (dpns) in size necessary to produce a dense fabric, generally 2 needle sizes smaller than recommended on ball band.
--Removable stitch marker or scrap of contrasting yarn for marking start of round
--Polyester fiberfill, yarn scraps, or other suitable stuffing
--Tapestry needle

Sample yarn: Knit Picks Dishie, #25412 Azure, approximately 38 yd. (35 m), .7 oz. (20 g)
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