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Statists Saving One—The Malignant Sophistry of Rights Removal by the Far Left

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Author: J. Bartholomew Walker
Print Length: 232 pages
Print price: Hardcover- $34.95 USD
                  Hardcover Large Print $39.95 
                  Paperback- $24.95 USD
                  Classic "Pocket Book" edition- $15.95 USD

The Malignant Sophistry of Rights Removal by the Far Left 

The title: “Statists Saving One,” is derived from the incessant leftist credo: “Even if it saves just one;” proffered as justification for the gradual removal of our Constitutional rights.

Chapter 1: “Rights” An analysis of the unique concept of rights, as opposed to other “permissive” instruments such as: “privileges, permits, and licenses.”  It is here that God’s actual instructions to man in Genesis 1:28 are introduced.

Chapter 2: “The Sophists” Here the incessantly purported leftist: “If It Saves Just One Life” is logically analyzed, and proven to be false.

Chapter 3: “The Statists” Understanding one’s enemy is critical to its defeat.  Here Statism is defined, and the Statist’s behavior is analyzed; with the help of God’s Word, the “Founding Fathers,” and others. 

Chapter 4: “Morality, Ethics, and Statists” Here the answers to the questions posed at the end of Chapter 3 are addressed: “Precisely what is moral sovereignty? Is there any difference between morality and a “cost benefit analysis;” and if so what is this difference? Precisely what is it that constitutes “upright” behavior?

Chapter 5: “Interference” This Chapter begins with a discussion of Genesis 1:1, and then Revelation 12:7-9; which is done in order to determine the source of the Statist’s motivation; and man’s role as (Hebrew) tsâbâ’—which is the actual word God used to describe man in Genesis 2:1.

Chapter 6: “Statism’s Ultimate Objective” Here precisely what it is that Statists are trying to accomplish is analyzed.  Despite their vast differences, quotes from George Bernard Shaw and Ronald Reagan, assist greatly in this analysis.

Chapter 7: “Dress Rehearsal” This Chapter uncovers the true motivations of the “second hand smoke” movement; in furtherance of something much more sinister than simply denying smoker’s and entrepreneurs their constitutional rights.  This in no way represents any type of endorsement of smoking; but is an endorsement of freedom. 

Chapter 8: “Showtime” The debunking of “climate change;” utilizing both the EPA and NASA, in their own actual words.

Chapter 9: “A Thing That is—” Here Ayn Rand is quoted, regarding the dangers of denying that which is; particularly with regard to the Statist’s actuality/reality mismatch. 

Chapter 10: “The Pseudo-Statists” An examination of the role of various religions in the unabashed promotion of Statism.  Unlike Statists, here instead of the utilization of fear of penalties in this life, the fear of penalties in the afterlife is utilized.

Chapter 11: “The Phantom Verse” [This is intentionally left blank.]

Chapter 12: “Afterword” Making sense of it all; and what to do about it.   

What will statists control?

Whatever they can control. If they can, (are able to), control it; then they will control it - no matter what "it" represents. There is no discretion involved.

What can they control?
Whatever they are permitted to control.

A member of the MeekRaker
family of publications.

Product details:
ISBN: 978-1-948219-08-2
Publisher :  Quadrakoff Publications Group, LLC
Publication date: February 1, 2021 
Language : English
File size:  593KB; 792KB; 1.7MB 
File type: Epub; AZW3: MOBI
Print length: 232 pages
Print price: Hardcover- $34.95 USD 
                    Hardcover Large Print $39.95 USD
                    Paperback- $24.95 USD
                    Classic "Pocket Book" edition- $15.95 USD 
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