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Successful Home Cell Groups

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For years I have been traveling all over the world, sharing in seminars and conferences the story of the miracle that God has performed in our church in Seoul, Korea. From a little tent mission in the poor section of the city in 1958, we have grown to be the largest single congregation in the world. To bring this about, however, God had to change me and my attitudes. The traditional models of church growth and leadership simply do not work on such a large scale. But God has a method that does work. He has a secret for success, and He wants every church to have it. He has given it to us so that we can share it with others. The world today desperately needs the message of Jesus as Savior and Lord. Our churches and our cities need revival, not just from time to time but 365 days a year. I know that such revival is possible, because it is happening right now at our church, the Full Gospel Central Church. It is happening because I have applied the principles I am about to relate in the pages of this book. God did not mean for me to keep this secret for success to myself. In fact, in 1976 He prompted me to found Church Growth International, so that I could spread the news and the knowledge of church growth principles to pastors and laymen all over the world. But only a limited number of people can attend the seminars. The information must be made available to many, many more Christians. These principles are not mine, they are God's, and He has given them to us so that all of us may benefit from them.

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