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Japanese Secrets to Beautiful Skin

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This book is written just for you. It is based on the simple and natural principle that diet and bathing are the most important factors in creating healthy, beautiful skin and a general feeling of well-being. And once your skin glows and you feel full of energy and enthusiasm, you are well on the way to realizing your complete beauty potential. How would you rate your physical condition and appearance? Are you satisfied with the way you are, or would you say there is room for improvement? Do you feel frustrated because it is difficult to find the time—much less the energy—to give attention to health and beauty maintenance? In today's fast-paced world, time for personal care and relaxation is often forgotten, yet the price of neglect is too high to pay. Your eating habits, beauty routines, and techniques for managing stress all

need to be as simple, streamlined, and effective as possible. To meet this need, the Maeda Program combines the best of Western medical knowledge with tried-and-true Japanese methods to create an easy-to-follow routine ideal for today's busy woman.
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