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The Ultimate Secret to a Healthy and Vibrant Life

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Once upon a time, the vast majority of Americans began their day with at least a small breakfast and a glass of juice.  Most of us drank orange juice; some of us had grapefruit juice.

 Consider what we drink today.  As we wake up in the morning, we down at least one cup of coffee (the stronger the better). Many times, we stop at the local coffee shop as we drive to work to get a calorie-laden sweetened caffeinated cappuccino (why, of course, we want it topped with whipped cream, thank you).  

 Where's the juice?  Indeed, as we rush out the door, few of us even slow down long enough to sip on juice.

 If that was the only change in our diet in the last several decades, perhaps the picture wouldn't look so grim.  But couple this with the fact that, as a society, we don't eat as many fruits and vegetables as we should.

 Standard fare for lunch is a quick sandwich and some fries.  And throw in a sugary soft drink to wash it all down.  Is this beginning to sound familiar?

 Where are the fruits and vegetables?  Well, if we're not getting them at lunch, we must be getting some of them at dinner time, right?

 Guess again!  Two income households mean that dinner is often a matter of convenience:  take-out meals, quickie recipes with a minimum of ingredients, sometimes delivery pizza. 

 Where's the nutrition?  Let's give everyone the benefit of the doubt.  Let's say that on a typical working day, we do end up eating some fruits and vegetables.  Do you want to know the nutritional value of them?

Here's what you'll discover in Power Juicing: The Ultimate Secret to a Healthy and Vibrant Life! eBook:

  • How to understand the power of home-made juice compared to bottled juice...
  • 3 little known, yet simple ways to take advantage of the power of juice...
  • Secrets from experts that few people ever know about...
  • 3 proven steps to understanding how juice can detoxify and cleanse your body...
  • 2 simple keys (that are right in front of your eyes) to using juice to lose weight...
  • WARNING:  3 things you should never do when it comes to juicing...
  • You'll discover in just a few short minutes how to gain energy with juice...
  • 6 time tested and proven strategies to lower your blood pressure with the power of juice...
  • When to seek professional help when it comes to fasting with juice...
  • 7 every day but often overlooked tips and tricks for using juice to alleviate diabetes...
  • A pennies on the dollar approach to seeking medical guidance for sciatic pain...
  • How often to fast using juice...
  • How to use the power of juice to alleviate asthma...
  • The once famous but forgotten secret that instantly allows you to have an overall healthier lifestyle with the power of juice...
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