One-to-one teachings
This service allows you to delve into specific occult and spiritual topics that interest you, benefiting from over two decades of my knowledge and expertise.
Each lesson is 1 hour + 10 optional minutes long.

Available lessons
- Energy anatomy and spiritual hygiene
- Psychic/energy protection and empowerment
- The Art of manifesting: Grounding, visualization and emotional sovereignty
- The four Elements and their magic
- Lunar magic: Esbats, moon phases and their influences
- Goddess spirituality*
- Female mysteries and womb magic*
- Basics of practical magic and ritual framework
- Altar and magical tools
- Candle magic and anointing oils
*This lesson in only available for adult human females
Do you want more?
Then you could consider joining our occult society, "The Ladies from Outside," and access all these teachings, and more, for just £5.50 per month, or £55 per year!
Visit ☞ https://payhip.com/b/uZXoe to discover more
Your teacher reserves the right to:
Refuse to teach to minors, people showing harassing, stalking, bullying, illegal or indecent attitude/behavior.
Stop to teach to people showing harassing, stalking, bullying, illegal or indecent attitude/behavior.
Postpone lessons if necessary.
If necessary you can postpone booked lessons within 6 months of the payment date.
The purchase of one or more lessons is non-refundable.
Pictures credits
“The Day Dream”, Dante Gabriel Rossetti via Wikimedia Commons