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One-to-one teachings

This service allows you to delve into specific occult and spiritual topics that interest you, benefiting from over two decades of my knowledge and expertise.

Each lesson is 1 hour + 10 optional minutes long.

Available lessons

  • Energy anatomy and spiritual hygiene
  • Psychic/energy protection and empowerment
  • The Art of manifesting: Grounding, visualization and emotional sovereignty
  • The four Elements and their magic
  • Lunar magic: Esbats, moon phases and their influences
  • Goddess spirituality*
  • Female mysteries and womb magic*
  • Basics of practical magic and ritual framework
  • Altar and magical tools
  • Candle magic and anointing oils

*This lesson in only available for adult human females

Purchase your lesson

One lesson


Set of 3 lessons


Set of 5 lessons


Do you want more?

Then you could consider joining our occult society, "The Ladies from Outside," and access all these teachings, and more, for just £5.50 per month, or £55 per year!

Visit ☞ to discover more

Your teacher reserves the right to:

Refuse to teach to minors, people showing harassing, stalking, bullying, illegal or indecent attitude/behavior.

Stop to teach to people showing harassing, stalking, bullying, illegal or indecent attitude/behavior.

Postpone lessons if necessary.

If necessary you can postpone booked lessons within 6 months of the payment date.

The purchase of one or more lessons is non-refundable.

Pictures credits

“The Day Dream”, Dante Gabriel Rossetti via Wikimedia Commons