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50 Ukulele Chord Exercises ebook - Basic Beginners & Grade 1-2

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Contents (29 pages)

Page 4 – Brief help with reading notation regarding the strumming hand
Page 5 – Exercises 1-20 – Chord Exercises in 4/4
Page 15 – Exercises 21-25 – 3/4 Time Signature
Page 17 – Exercises 26-31 – 6/8 Time Signature
Page 20 – Exercises 32-40 – Picking exercises in Various Time Signatures
Page 25 – Exercises 41-45 – Finger Picking Only Exercises (no guitar pick)
Page 27 – Exercises 46-50 – Finger Picking and Chords

People that might find this book useful
Ukulele teachers can print the book for their students.
Beginner ukulele players can work through the book with the help of a teacher
Some ukulele players may be able to work through the book on their own (reading knowledge needed)

About the book
This book was written following my first two books (released as a set), 100 Beginners Chord Progressions + 100 Strumming Rhythms.

Either book could be started first, but I tend to start with this one, and then burn through the 100 chord progressions a lot quicker following this book.

I started out writing this book in order to solve two problems I found in the first book of chord progressions – which were mainly problems for early beginners. The first problem was that by the time we got through all 4 chords, sometimes it had taken a while to change between chords and we lost the flow of the exercise. The second problem was that the new beginners were not familiar with the chords yet, so we had 2 books and a chord sheet to look at. The third problem was that for young beginners, some struggled to remember the rhythms and therefore got lost flicking between the books, rather than remembering the rhythm and then just looking at the chord progression book.

So, this book aims to solve all of the problems in the above paragraph for basic beginners level, by having the chord diagram and rhythm and tab all in one place and also only focuses on 2 chords at a time so the player can really master those chord changes.

The book includes a lot of new content not seen in the first two books, like finger picking exercises and different time signatures. Therefore those who have started with the first books, could also go through this book afterwards and still feel like they are progressing.

Final Thoughts
In conclusion, I think this book is best to start with out of the 2 releases so far. The overall aim is to improve those chord changes and build up your rhythm and finger picking skills, preparing you to be able to play songs, to help you progress in general, and it to give you some new concepts for constructing your own music.

I hope you find the book useful.

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Customer Reviews


Verified Buyer

5 months ago

Beautiful job!

Great for beginners!