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Askfirmations for content creators and bonus mindset audio for creators and bloggers

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Hey conscious creators!

Abena here, I'm a conscious creator with a diverse skill-set. I focus on building written and visual content, and as a software engineer, I'm always searching for new ways to improve my content creation skills.

One of the things that people often struggle with when trying to build a successful content-driven business is dealing with insecurities and self-confidence issues. One major way to deal with these issues is to focus on building a strong and positive mindset.

I've built a steely and determined mindset using manifestation, it's so powerful, you can literally change your whole life in a few months if you adopt some of my strategies. I use these "askfirmations" and other techniques to boost my subconscious mind to become the greatest version of myself as a niche content writer and overall conscious creator.

So, here are two audio files for you to listen to, one is a breakdown of the type of mindset that you need to build a powerful and successful content-driven business, and the other are some askfirmations to help you along the way.

Also, here is a 25% discount code for anyone who downloads this free audio. You can use this discount code for any service or product in my shop.

Thank you!

Peace, love, and blessings to you!

Here's the code:


You will get the following files:
  • M4A (2MB)
  • M4A (4MB)