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Family Crisis Communication Skills - Comparing Approaches for Families Experiencing SMI and SUD

This course compares the communication skills taught by CRAFT, Psychosis REACH, LEAP, and Motivational Interviewing.

Course Description

In this course, we will compare the communication skills of four different methods that can be used with families who love someone with serious mental illness or substance use disorder.

We will be comparing:

  1. CRAFT: a counseling method for the family of someone with a Substance Use Disorder who is refusing treatment
  2. Psychosis REACH: a family training method for the family members of people who experience psychosis
  3. LEAP: a communication method for the family members of people who experience serious mental illness and may lack insight into their symptoms
  4. Motivational Interviewing: a style of collaborative helpful conversation for anyone who wants to be an agent of positive change in the life of another

After drawing comparison and observing the common traits, this course will then provide you with practice in a few of the communication components, so that you will be ready to practice. You do not need to know all of these approaches in their entirety in order to use the communication skills for the benefit of your clients.

This program has been approved for 1 CEU by the NASW Washington State Chapter. Licensed Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Mental Health Counselors are eligible.

Provider number is #1975-499.

Purchase Course

You are purchasing a 1 hour asynchronous course consisting of:

pre-recorded lecture, demonstration, readings and quiz, to be completed at your own pace.

1 CEU Course


Course curriculum