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Stop Dreading Sales & Learn How to Land Ideal Clients and Sell Your offers with Ease & Flow!

You’re not here on this earth to have something valuable to give and not receive value for it in return.
Want to know how successful coaches are selling out their programs and courses without burning out and how you can do it, too?

Then you’re in the right place.

Here’s the deal…

If you’re anything like most other passionate, good-hearted coaches out there, you’ve probably experience one (or all!) of the following:

– You’re confident in your abilities as a coach (mostly), but not-so-confident in what you need to do, to get more people signing up (and have no clue how to figure it out, either!)

– You’re confused about the best way to sell your programs to your people–you’ve heard it all, from automated webinars to lengthy email campaigns and free 7-day challenges, but it’s all to confusing and too much.
– You freeze up on sales calls, can’t get through the “pitch” portion of your webinar without breaking into a cold sweat (and a dry mouth to match!) or don’t seem to gain any traction with any of your time-consuming FREE calls.
– You don’t know what to say or do when you hear, “I can’t afford it” or “I have to think about it”.
_ You write posts on social media, but CRICKETS. NO one likes or signs up for your offers.

_  You’re not ready to hire a coach to learn complicated, involved marketing and sales strategies.

Sound about right? If so, you’re not alone.

I know you know selling–and knowing how to sell–is KEY to running a profitable, successful business that can withstand the test of time.

But try as you might, the whole “selling” piece of running your business doesn’t come nearly as easily as the “delivering” part of your business.

And yet, you want selling to feel easy and fun. You want your programs to fly off the digital shelves as soon as you announce them on your Facebook business page.

And of course, you want your webinars to end with money in the bank–and new students requesting access to your online teaching portal.

But alas, they’re not.

However, there is some good news:
Whether selling out your programs means thousands of dollars streaming into your bank account post-webinar, or signing up a certain number of clients for your coaching programs every week, month or year, it IS possible…and I’m here to show you.

No matter how hard you’ve struggled (and how many social media posts have gone unnoticed and un-Liked).

It’s time that badass coaches like you start to make more sales, without the hustle and doubt and overwhelm.

Clarity + Confidence + a Simple Plan = Sales Galore
(without Sleaze or being Pushy)
When sales are slow (or just not as fast–or consistent–as you’d like), it normally comes down to one of the above.
In order to sell confidently, effectively and (yes) easily, you need…

Clarity–on your offer, your ideal client and why the heck your programs matter.

Energy–aka the vibe people get from your marketing, and the vibe they get from you.

Systems–for finding dreamboat clients in a soul-aligned way…without working 24/7.

Sure, you can sell–a little–without one or the other, but it’ll be a drop in the bucket compared to what you can make when you have all three. That’s when the real magic ensues.

If you want to learn exactly how to create that magic by finally developing rock-solid confidence around what you offer (and to whom) and setting up a streamlined, sexy sales system that suits your unique personality, this is for you.

SAVVY SALES: Sell Your Programs with Confidence & Ease
This value-packed mini-course combo is designed to help you become super confident in your sales strategy (from your most ideal client to your marketing) so you can smash your sales goals and fill up your courses, programs and other offers with ease, confidence and a clearly thought it plan of action.
You’ll learn….
✓     How to set conduct discovery calls, navigate the most common objections, and create a simple marketing and sales plan for your offers.

✓     The discovery call plan no ONE shares with you- Know exactly how many people calls you need to book each month, to achieve your desired income.

✓     How to create your weekly/monthly marketing plan to sell with ease.

✓     How to reverse engineer your plan, to achieve your desired income goals.

✓     The TOP 7 types of posts to share and sell your offers with confidence and ease.

✓     What you need to include in your monthly & weekly marketing plan.

✓     What your social media posts should include to show your ideal clients that you have the solution and results to the problem they’re seeking.

✓     Ideas for offers you can create NOW to support your ideal client, if you don’t have an offer.

✓     How to conduct and plan your LIVE video trainings.

✓     Powerful tips for selling with ease and confidence.

✓     And so much more!

You’re a coach who gets results. Your programs offer life-changing information and transformation for your clients. Their success is your success.

You’re doing good work in the world, hands down.

So, if you only take one thing away from this page, let it be this: You deserve to feel crazy-confident in your programs, and to make sales without the overwhelm.

(Yes, without overwhelm. Because while selling out your programs is extremely important, burning yourself out trying to sign clients means your cup won’t be full enough to give them the attention they deserve once they’ve committed to you.

And no good coach gives from an empty cup. You know that.

Nope: Getting people to actually sign up for your programs and offers doesn’t have to be the hard.
I promise once you’ve this process down for your offers and discovery calls, selling will start to feel easier and more fun. Guaranteed.

That is, as long as you think it’s fun & easy to watch your PayPal balance grow, and the number of clients in your courses and coaching offers inching closer & closer to your goal - or even smashing right through it. And who doesn’t, right?

So, what are you waiting for?

Get Two Courses for the price of ONE 
Savvy Sales – A Simple Marketing Plan to Sell MORE (Value $97.00)

Lesson 1- Your Money Making Action Plan
Lesson 2 - Write Social Media Posts that Sell
Lesson 3 - Social Media Sales Strategy
Lesson 4 - 21 Offers You can Create Now
Lesson 5 - 32 Tips to Sell with Confidence & Ease

Savvy Sales Workbook

BONUS - LIVE Video Guide - How to plan and conduct your LIVE video trainings
BONUS - Simple Sales Tools You Need Now


Sales Call Success: Close MORE Calls with a YES (Value $97)

Module 1- Discovery Call Application & What to ask
Module 2 - How to Structure Your Discovery Calls for Success
Module 3 - How to Overcome the Most Common Objections
Module 4 - How to Close in the DM's (Direct Messages)
Module 5-  Map Out Your Monthly Revenue Goal & Discovery Call Strategy
Module 6 - Get Fully Booked. Strategies for Booking MORE Discovery Calls

Client Booking Form
Assesment Call Weekly Plan Form
25 Ways to Get Cash Now 

REGULAR PRICE for this combo $197.00

Get it now at this ONE TIME OFFER = $69.00

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