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Business Alchemy: A Workshop for ADHD Women in Business

Alignment - Embodiment - Action

Business Alchemy

Imagine this...

You're starting your new business and you feel clear, confident and ready to take the leap.

Imagine having such a compelling vision of where you are heading that there is no hesitation in boldly going for it.

Imagine being in a group of women just like you, no need to awkwardly try to explain yourself, because we see you and understand you because we are the same kind of unique. We understand the need to do things in a different way.

It's time to unlock your manifesting power and step into the authentic, aligned version of yourself and create your business from that place.

Join this transformative workshop designed specifically for ADHD women who are at the beginning of their business journey.

And imagine this is being led by an intuitive facilitator with expertise in creating deep inner change with methods such as Rapid Transformational Therapy, Hypnosis, and energetic practices.

Hi, I'm Paula and I am that leader.

This workshop is tailored for you to manifest business success from a deeply empowered place.

Workshop Structure:

Week 1: Alignment

Get clear on your authentic vision for your business. Identify your core values, deeper reasons for entrepreneurship, and what success truly means to you. Craft a compelling vision for your future business to ensure alignment with your goals.

Week 2: Embodiment

Address limiting beliefs holding you back and reframe them into powerful thought forms. Train your nervous system for change and draw inspiration from others who have achieved similar goals. Cultivate belief in your ability to manifest success.

Week 3: Action

Understand the science of intuition and its role in your manifesting journey. Implement practical strategies to seamlessly integrate intuitive action into your life. Set boundaries, declutter, and create personal rituals to stay aligned with your vision.

Bonus Week 4: Vision Boarding Session

Join us for a bonus vision boarding session to visually manifest your dreams and aspirations. (Optional attendance)


Business Alchemy


What people are saying

Artboard 1

I recently attended the manifestation workshop course, and it has been a transformative experience.

The guidance provided helped me discover my true purpose, and pin-point my core values whilst effectively identifying and working towards overcoming limiting beliefs.

This course is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery.

Highly recommended!

— D A

Why Join Us?

Why Join Us?

  • Gain clarity on your authentic business vision.
  • Overcome limiting beliefs and cultivate empowering thoughts.
  • Harness the power of intuition to take aligned action.
  • Connect with other ADHD women in business.

Don't let ADHD hold you back from achieving your business dreams.

Unlock your manifesting power and step into your full potential today!

Ready to manifest success?

Reserve your spot now!