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Purposeful Travel Planning

Intentional Travel for Meaningful Experiences

Transform Your Travel

This course will guide you as you set meaningful travel purposes, create achievable goals, and choose the perfect times and destinations for your next trip. Created for those who want to feel truly fulfilled by their travels, even when plans change or challenges arise, this course ensures every trip feels worthwhile. Embrace the power of purposeful travel.

Why Purposeful Travel Planning

Clear Travel Vision

Develop a strong, personal purpose for each trip, ensuring your travels are meaningful and aligned with your values.

Goal-Setting for Travel

Learn to create and achieve specific travel goals that enhance your overall experience and satisfaction.

Destination and Timing Insights

Receive guidance on how to choose the best destinations and times for travel that fit your unique needs and desires.

Course curriculum

Travel with Purpose Today

Purposeful Travel Planning


Meet Meggie

Mom of three, and travel enthusiast, I've traveled to 14 countries, 29 states, and 29 of the US National Parks - and adding to the list every year.

I've studied abroad in Europe, taught in Washington DC, and have called Utah and its amazing adventure opportunities home for the last 20 years.

I'm the face behind Parks Family Travel - a travel blog focusing on family travel planning and exploring the national parks. I can't wait for you to take control of your travel and feel empowered throughout the planning process.