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I  look forward to the social benefits of walking out of my home again  here on a Saturday morning, when this confinement is over.  The feel of the road will be different from here in the yard. Perhaps, because Saturday is not usually a working day, many  people will be out on the road, following various pursuits, whether leisure or not.

There should be many students, walking with knapsacks on their backs, walking to class, hungry for knowledge, or possibly, hungry for food..There should be  others, too, mostly male, among them beggars whom it may seem best to avoid, for one rarely walks with money on one's person so as to offer them. There might also be newspaper vendors out to sell the early morning offering of last night's happenings; women off to work; a couple having a conversation in the middle of the sidewalk; a religious adherent maybe standing off to one side, offering a tract. 
One shouldn't refuse the tract. For one thing, it's free, and for another, you  often receive something that's to your advantage. This is what I have experienced and I would like to share as  one of the benefits of walking: that although the road might be quite heavily populated, it is possible to be walking a road more travelled, yet to be walking it alone.

This sense of aloneness although being spiritually aware of being  in the midst of the company of my fellows globally can be good for the stimulation of creativity.

And so, in this small volume of my poems, I give the reader a sense of the awe and the inspiration which we all have still, when we are able to power up and walk outside, whether early in the morning or late in the evening. I hope that by reading them, you will be able to sense the enervation that can happen from power walking in the presence of the universe and of God.

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