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Eeveelution Accessories

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Eeveelution Accessories

Scratch Asset made by me <3


-Easily Uv mapped

-Regular texture and Shiny texture (normal map)

-Optimized assets

-Great for putting on Quest avis


Eevee: 5,696

Vaporeon: 7,198

Jolteon: 7,142

Flareon: 6,380

Espeon: 4,892

Umbreon: 1,080

Leafeon: 6,348

Glaceon: 5,280

Sylveon: 15,512

If you plan on using this on an avatar to sell please credit me (KahTay#0028)

Do not resell by itself, giveaway, or share with friends

Must talk to me before putting it on a public or free avatar