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Unlock Your Potential: Identify and Overcome Limiting Beliefs About Money


Do you find yourself struggling with FEAR, SCARCITY, AVOIDANCE, feeling trapped by financial limitations, or held back by negative beliefs about MONEY and SUCCESS as a CHRISTIAN Female entrepreneur?

You're not alone. The PROBLEM is that your current MONEY STORY SHAPE your financial decisions and behaviors without even REALIZING IT.

But the good news is, with God, you have the power to rewrite your money story with BIBLICAL TRUTH and reclaim control of your financial future while HONORING GOD.


Our 5-Day Uncover Your Money Story Challenge is designed to help you uncover the ROOT CAUSES of your money mindset and equip you with the tools and insights you need to BREAK FREE from limiting beliefs and embrace a healthier, more PEACEFUL relationship with money.

Through a VIDEOS series of guided exercises, reflections, and teachings rooted in BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES, you'll gain clarity, confidence, and understanding when it comes to your MONEY MINDSET and finances.

The benefits of understanding why you do what you do with money!

Increased Self-Awareness:

Exploring your money habits and beliefs helps you understand your motivations, triggers, and patterns related to money. This self-awareness can lead to better decision-making and financial behavior.

Improved Financial Well-Being:

As you gain insight into your relationship with money, you can take proactive steps to improve your financial well-being. This may include earning without fear, selling confidently, and achieving financial goals.

Identifying Limiting Beliefs:

You can identify any attitudes and limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Recognizing these beliefs allows you to challenge them with God's words, leading to a stewarding money mindset.

Challenge review

"Dear Raina, Thank you for your videos. I just wanted to share with you some of my Aha moments while reflecting after watching the videos.

Previously, I've done some inner work before this but COULD NOT REALLY FIGURE OUT my conflict about money. After doing some journaling, I wrote down a few things that were very surprising.

I DON'T KNOW WHY I COULD NOT SEE THAT BEFORE. I can see how this skewed view plays out in my life today.

As a result, I don't have good money habits and I have no idea how to plan. I really want to change this and be a better steward. Thank you. Emelia, Christian entrepreneur "

Don't let guilt, fear and lack control you!

Worried about whether this challenge is right for you? I know you are BUSY, so videos are less than 10 min so you can learn and implement.

Addressing underlying issues related to money can help reduce stress and anxiety surrounding financial matters.

When you HAVE CLARITY and CONFIDENCE in your financial decisions, you can experience greater peace of mind and overall well-being.

Join the challenge today to find peace, freedom, and fun in your finances while keeping your heart aligned with God's truth.