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Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

Are you a Kingdom female entrepreneur seeking to break free from the constraints of fear and scarcity when it comes to money?

Are you tired of letting your imposter syndrome and belief that no-one can offer your services get in the way of you selling confidently?

Do you desire to honour God in your financial journey while achieving success without money becoming an idol?

Look no further – you've come to the right place!


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Uncover your money story

Biblical Money Mindset - Tailored Christian Money coaching


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You cannot overcome these deep-rooted money blocks without help. Raina approaches mindset, finances, and partners with God in a way that makes you feel comfortable – and it's fun! I would not want to work with anyone else.

— Sarah, Podcast manager —

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Raina’s easy-to-follow steps make the whole process of managing money feel so simple and fun, and I highly recommend it. As a Christian, I also love that she brings God into every step and shows how we can honor Him with our money.

— Dana, digital planner —

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Dear Raina.

Thank you for all that you do to educate and support women shift their money mindset, helping them to become better kingdom businesswomen.

You are amazing. Love your work 💕

— Samantha, Publisher & coach —


Imagine what you could do if showing up for your business and stewarding money felt fun and easy?

Hi, I'm Raina, your Christian Money Mindset and Fun Money Habits Coach

I'm passionate about helping women like you earn more, steward your money wisely, and experience the joy of managing your finances with a renewed mindset grounded in biblical principles.

With my unique V.I.P. Financial Method, I'll guide you through a transformative lifestyle change that goes beyond mere money management.

Together, we'll embark on a journey where you abide in Christ, sell confidently, create tiny habits, simplify your personal finances, give generously, live debt-free, and build up your savings – all for God's glory.

Imagine releasing the shackles of a scarcity and poverty mindset, as you embrace a mindset of stewardship and peace.

Through my proven methodology, I'll show you how to let go of limiting beliefs and embrace a new perspective on money. Plus, you'll discover the power of aligning your heart with Jesus, while enjoying the process of managing your finances with joy and intentionality.


I know it can feel daunting to jump on a call. You might think you should figure it out on your own because you know what you ought to do, right? But the issue isn't that you lack knowledge; it's simply that you can't overcome your stress and your limiting beliefs about money. That's why you struggle to earn more and stick to your financial plan. So, together, we'll work on shifting your money mindset with God's truth and establishing a FUN money routine that allows you to enjoy life while you pursue your goals with clarity. You can also flourish in your business while keeping your heart steadfast in Jesus.

Take the first step today and schedule a free consultation with me.

Let's transform your relationship with money with biblical principles. 🌟


Keep God First with Biblical Principles

Discover the timeless wisdom found in Scripture and learn how to apply these principles to your financial journey. As we explore God's Word, you'll gain clarity on the path to financial confidence and freedom.

Money Mindset Transformation

Unleash your potential by embracing a mindset rooted in your identity in Christ. Together, we'll dissolve fears and doubts and develop a rock-solid belief system that aligns with your Kingdom purpose.

Stewarding with Fun Money Habits

Who said managing money has to be boring? I'll help you infuse joy and excitement into your financial routine. With creative strategies and engaging activities, you'll find pleasure in budgeting, saving, and paying off debt– all while staying true to your values.

Go from overwhelmed about money to feeling financially confident!

As a coach, I specialise in working with women of faith who are ready to break free from financial constraints and step into a life of abundance in Christ.

Whether you're just starting your entrepreneurial journey or looking to take your business to new heights, it is time to move past your money blocks and have fun managing money. I'm here to support and guide you every step of the way.