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Start Your Own Podcast Masterclass

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Have you thought about starting a podcast but are unsure of how to start?

You're in the right place.

I know for a fact that you have insights, perspectives, and opinions that the world needs to hear - otherwise you wouldn't be here reading this right now.

If you have a podcast idea, the idea wants to come alive through you. If you just want to express your voice and don't even have an idea yet, you're ready to start.

In 2020, I bought a $300 recorder in the hopes that it would motivate me to start a podcast. For the next 10 months, I just stared at that recorder instead of starting. I was so terrified to start - what if I'm terrible at it? What if people think I'm this or that? How do I even edit? How do I produce a podcast?

Here I am in 2023 with listeners from all over the world. I learned how to record, edit, and produce over 70 episodes all by myself. I have had so many incredible guests on my podcast and have met so many great people through this journey. I feel like I have found my favorite creative outlet for my voice.

If I can do it, you can do it.

I was inspired to help other prospective podcasters start their podcast, because I had to learn a lot the hard way. I wanted to give you every single tip and trick I learned along the way so you can save time and money and devote your efforts to the creative aspects of your podcast.

Which is why I created the Start Your Own Podcast Masterclass - a downloadable PDF with everything - and I do mean EVERYTHING - you need to start your own podcast.

I help you define your concept and come up with your brand colors, elements, and marketing strategy.

I teach you how to set up all your technology and equipment, how to edit like a pro, and how to produce each episode to maximize your audience reach.

I teach you how to promote your podcast on social media and how to organize your content calendar.

I teach you how to create an iconic intro and outro.

I give you templates on how to reach out to guests and brands, how to sell and monetize your podcast.

I share the most important mindset tips for publishing your first and 50th episode with confidence!

& so so so much more.

This 60-page workbook features 10 lessons, email templates, prompts, and detailed advice to help you start your podcast with confidence and ease.

2023 is THE YEAR to start your podcast!

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