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Jiaming Lake permit application

Arrange and Plan My Hike!

What's Included:

You can fully enjoy the unique hiking trails in Taiwan without the hassle of planning and coordination.

Please Read FAQs and Agree Before You Purchase Our Service!

Please Read FAQs and Agree Before You Purchase Our Service!


📍 When is the best time to hike in Taiwan?

It's best to AVOID hiking in Taiwan during the summer. The weather is hot and humid, and it's also typhoon season, which can bring heavy rainfall and increase the risk of landslides. Consider visiting in the cooler, drier months for a safer and more comfortable experience.

Is this service also for hiking Yushan/Jade Mountain?

No, this service is NOT for the Yushan/Jade Mountain hike. We have a dedicated service specifically for Yushan/Jade Mountain applications.

How does it work?

  1. To ensure a safe and enjoyable hike, please share your hiking experience, fitness level, preferences, and any concerns, such as fear of heights. 
  2. You can either tell us the trail you'd like to hike, or we can suggest one based on your experience and preferences.
  3. During our discussion phase, we reserve the right to decide if we’re a good fit to work together. If we determine it's not a match, we will refund 75% of your payment. Thank you for understanding!

What high mountain trails are available in Taiwan?

Check out the list of high mountain trails to explore Taiwan's best hiking experiences.

Can you guarantee that I will get a permit?

We apply for permits on available days but cannot guarantee approval. We will do our best to secure your permit. If you provide a flexible weekday schedule and apply for the permit early enough, your chance of getting one is higher.

Can I get a refund if I don't get the permit after the application?

If you don't get the permit and aren't interested in the alternative hikes we suggest, we will refund 60% of your payment.

Can you just apply for the permits for us, and we do the rest arrangement by ourselves?

We did contemplate this option but decided against offering just the permit application service for several reasons:

  1. We list our name as your emergency contact on the national park website, and if anything happens, the park will contact us.
  2. If issues arise or you have questions before or during the hike, you'll likely contact us for help. We don't want to say, "Sorry, this is out of scope" in such situations.
  3. If you still prefer to arrange your own hike, please check out our permit application guides and checklist.

Can I reschedule my hike after the permit is issued and the hiking arrangement is made?

We understand things happen, and we can reschedule your hike. The National Park only allows cancellations, not rescheduling. Therefore, we would need to cancel your existing permit and reapply for new dates, starting the entire process over. We will charge 50% of the original service fee for this service for the second application and arrangement.

What We Need

Please let us know the following:

  1. Your nationality and where you currently live.
  2. How many people are there in your group? Please let us know if there is any member under 12 years old.
  3. When and How Many Days would you like to hike in Taiwan? 
  4. Please list 2-3 of the most challenging hikes you've completed in the last 6 months.
  5. The hiking gear you plan to bring to hike in Taiwan.
  6. Preference to go to the trailhead: public transport, private transport, sel-driving or others

We will need the following information about each team member to proceed with the application with your authorization. 

If you are concerned about the security of the emails or WhatsApp, we highly suggest you apply for the permits yourself.


  • The Date You Want to Hike (the more flexible, the better):
  • Full Name:
  • Passport Number:
  • Nationality:
  • Date of Birth:
  • Phone Number:
  • Current address:
  • Email address:
  • Emergency contact (family member) in your home country and their phone number:
  • Copies of your passports (PDF or JPEG). This one is only required for advanced applications.

Choose a Pricing Plan

Please contact us first if: 1) your group has more than 5 people, 2) you plan to do multiple hikes, or 3) you plan to do longer hikes that are over 4 days.

Apply and Plan My Hike: One Hike for 1 to 2 People


Apply and Plan My Hike: One Hike for 3 to 4 People


Help me plan my hike!

The service fee for a group of 1-2 people is USD75.

The service fee for a group of 3-4 people is USD90.

Please send an inquiry first for a group of more than 5 people, multiple or longer hikes.

Please specify the following in the Message box. Thank you!

  • Your nationality and where you currently live
  • The dates you'd like to hike
  • The number of people in your group
  • Do you prefer to take public transport, hire private transport, or drive to the trailhead?