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Accessory & Hair Vendors List

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Are you ready to make 6 figures selling hair extensions? The average retail hair extension order is around $195. If you get (2) sales a day at this average, you will make $390 per day in sales. Multiply that by 365 days in a year, and you get $142,350.

You can also make 6 figures selling accessories in an online boutique, according to zip recruiter the top online boutiques make $114,500 annually. While the lower 25th percentile makes $26,000 annually, could you imagine making an extra $2,000 dollars a month?  

However, is it easy to make this much money? No, it takes time, consistency, and dedication to make extra income. A lot of hours go into trying to find vendors, and finding ways to get started.

Well now you don't have to, what was once tedious is now a breeze. You will have access to over 100 vendors who provide top-notch hair used by celebrity stylists, packaging, accessories, labels, and shoes. As an added bonus we'll throw in our "How to start your business guide" for free, to help you get started with starting and operating your online business. For the low price of $15, you'll be well on your way to that 6figure income, no need to wait, act NOW!
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  • PDF (565KB)
  • PDF (917KB)