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Brochure: Relocating to Portugal made easy

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Moving to a new country is in itself a big challenge for most of us! Not only is it an emotional event, often preceded by a long maturation process, but then also adapting to a new culture and even though you thought you got to know the country well during your holidays, a different language, different eating and living habits... with the added challenge of building a completely new circle of acquaintances and friends.

But what is sometimes even more challenging and also frustrating is the administrative merry-go-round you end up in. It is therefore a relief to be able to outsource all of this to a professional party you can trust 100%.

Our team De Hoon & Partners, led by Dirk Cluckers, who has been living in Portugal for more than 10 years, knows the tricks of the trade. In a clear and transparent way, we guide you with a steady hand through the maze of administrative obligations and legal and tax pitfalls. We ‘unburden’ you so that you can fully focus on your new life in your new country as this in itself is already quite a challenge!
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