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Dear Single Mom

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Dear Single Mom,
I know raising your kids alone was not the plan you envisioned for your life but you were chosen for this.
As a young college student, fresh out of my mother's house and getting my first taste of freedom, I fell in love with the "popular guy" on campus. We spent many nights talking and fantasizing about our future together. Marriage, kids, house with the picket fence, we wanted to be together forever.
"Let's make a baby together, you're going to be my wife anyway right?" I know I'm not the only woman who has lived to regret those words.
I tell my story to encourage single moms everywhere with this message: The plan that you had for your life may have fallen all the way apart but God has a bigger and better plan for you. When people walk out on you, it's not the end of your story, it's just the end of their chapter in your story. Make the lesson count for something. Let it push you forward to greatness. You are not a statistic, you set the standard.