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How to Spot Scams (PDF)

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I have picked these examples, because they are scams that seem to attract people (and not even a few, according to certain forums) I would not have considered particularly vulnerable to fall for such schemes. To say I was shocked by the number of victims and the losses they reported, is to put it mildly.

Other scams I did not consider because I deemed those too obvious for anyone to ever fall for them. And I have no personal experience with such plots. Apparently, no African banker thinks of me, when several millions need to be transferred abroad. And unfortunately, no remote uncle, I have never heard of before, and who always seems to have spent his life on the far end of the world, has thus far decided to bequeath his outrageous wealth to me — for a “small processing fee” to be paid in advance to some lawyer, who is just as untraceable as mentioned relative.

PDF, 58 pages.
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