Foes to Grace - eBook Version
A Courtroom Drama Played Out in Heaven
"We are not unaware of the devil's schemes," wrote the apostle Paul. What are they? Masquerading as an angel of righteousness, accusing the faithful, and of course being the Father of Lies.
Satan presents his evidence against us in the court of Heaven, summons his witnesses, and cites chapter and verse to condemn us. But we have an advocate in Heaven, our friend, our intercessor, and witness for the defence.
How will this courtroom drama play out?
With brilliant analysis and lively wit, this book takes a deep dive into Biblical truth, while drawing on great thinkers of the ages, among them Shakespeare, Benjamin Franklin, Oscar Wilde, Tolkien, and even Monty Python! It also identifies Satan's servants in our earthly institutions of power and calls out their abuses of that power.
You will be entertained, enlightened, and above all, empowered by this literary and theological triumph.
"With prophetic insight and imaginative storytelling, Abdiel paints scenes of confrontation before the throne of God to illuminate Biblical truths about spiritual warfare. And true to his inimitable style, he does so with references to Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Tolkien, and other thinkers."
Grady Harp, Amazon Top-100 Reviewer
"A majestic flow of words."
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews