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Changing room drip

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  • Resolution: 4k - 3840 x 2160 px
  • Type: "Standalone Render"
  • Renders: 1
  • Software Used: DAZ & Photoshop

Description / Short Story:

When she told you that you'd be going shopping together, you didn't expect to be part of the sex that came before ...

At your tiny size, she simply shoved you into her vagina, just deep enough for you to still see the outside world, thinking she wanted you to start pleasuring her, you began jiggling around, which made her moan, but soon came to stop as soon as you heard the voice of her new boyfriend:

"That little thing you keep doing the foreplay for me ?"

"courageous fella has no idea lol"

With that, you noticed his dick getting harder, and slowly approaching your location. They weren't going to do it, with you still inside ... were they ?

What followed was one of the most chaotic events of your life, as the giants dick started ramming you deeper, you felt some respite after 15 minutes that seemed like an eternity to you, only to realize what was to come ...

As the giants dick erupted, you found yourself flooded in his thick cream.

You were completely covered, however your owner didn't let any of it flow out, as you could hear a muffled "and now we go shopping together" followed by a giggle.

After about another hour, you finally arrived at a clothing shop.

"this should be good enough to let it out" the muffled voice said.

And with that, the slurry you had been trapped in, suddenly started flowing, as your owner was letting it drip out onto the changing room floor.

Finally, the light of day, but what was going to happen next ? 

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