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Cosmic Rest Patterns

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Elite Success Guide to Mastering Your Personal EnergyTracking Your Cosmic Rest Patterns

If you've downloaded The Energy Remedy by now, this is the Cosmic Rest Tracker and Personal Energy Guide so you can master your high rising personal energy one day at a time.

That's all we can do is try our best, and that is always good enough in the universal rule of things.

The universal energies concerning the laws of attraction state that if you count your blessings, the universe will give you more blessings, but if you count your problems, the universe will give you more problems.

This universal energy law applies, because for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

This means in energy terms, literally everything you do comes back to you in the form of an energy boomerang.

You are energy before you are flesh. You are infinite spirit before you are a physical being. You are an eternal soul before you are a temporal body. When you learn how to master your personal energy, you learn how to master your life. This is The Energy Remedy the successful have been employing and applying for generations, and still use to this day to achieve success - the good old fashion way - with the power of their own positive energy via the power of their own positive mindset.

The mind is a powerful thing to waste, indeed. ✅

Successful people manifested success because they believed in the energy of their success to the point of manifesting it. The power of belief operates in the universal energy realm like a SURE THING, indeed.

When it comes to energy, believing is seeing. ✅

But, as with life, one's energy must rest from the work of being alive and living an everyday physical life. Just like our bodies grow tired and need rest, our spiritual energy grows tired and needs rest. We labor for six days and we rest on the seventh. That is good for our eternal souls and infinite energy spirits to rest on that seventh day. Energy rest allows us to reflect and refresh and refuel our energy so we are flowing on our highest, God-ordained vibes. We align with our highest energy, and we live our best physical lives.

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