Ifness 2023 MP3
Download immediately the 31 royalty-free tracks (MP3 versions) of the album, Ifness 2023, by Justin Allan Arnold. All of these tracks can be used royalty-free in personal and commercial projects as long as Justin Allan Arnold is properly credited as per the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License (CC-BY-4.0) under which they have been licensed. See the FAQ page at https://www.ifnessfreemusic.com/faqs for more information.
How do you properly credit Justin Allan Arnold for using his music?
[Put Track Title here] by Justin Allan Arnold - https://www.ifnessfreemusic.com
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0
Where possible, the URLs should also be hyperlinks. The credit should appear in a place where the consumer can easily see the credit: for example, in the text description box of a YouTube video. Including the credit in the credit reel of a film or video is fine. Likewise, in a podcast, the credit may be spoken at the end of the recording. If you use my music in a medium where it's not possible to display or provide the appropriate credit, you must purchase a non-exclusive non-attribution license for the music. This license costs $19.99 (a separate license is needed for each unattributed track). The license is available on each track's download page at https://www.ifnessfreemusic.com .
You can find the ISCR code for any of Justin's tracks here: https://www.ifnessfreemusic.com/isrc-codes