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Business motivation theories.. Factors and Theories about employee motivation 1. Evaluate three (3) factors that influence employee motivation and provide one (1) original example of each. 2. Compare and contrast three (3) motivation theories, choos

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Factors and Theories about employee motivation
The three factors that influence the employee motivation include the effective leadership, money and the stability. Money as a factor influencing the employee motivation attributes to sole means of motivation. This shows that, money is used as motivational tool primarily in order to establish environment whereby the workers are performing their duties solely (Brooks,  2007) It’s quite identified that, money contributes to the workplace effective working condition because the employee work out of desires of getting much money besides being a contributing member team...
The effectiveness of leadership as an influence of employee motivation contributes to effectiveness of the company’s environmental workforce. Certainly, the effective leaders help in stimulating the employees towards goal setting and enable them to meet goals which provide a well sense of pride, motivation and accomplishment in their lives.  ..while Hertzberg is referred to as hygiene factors and motivation factors. The hygiene factors are always dissatisfies whereas motivation factors tends to motivate subordinates (Werner, 2012). 
Brooks, A. M. (2007). It's all about the motivation: Factors that influence ...
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