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Rising Strong Audiobooks

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The book "Rising Strong" presents a process aimed at embracing personal failures and discovering growth opportunities. Author Brené Brown divides this process into three steps:

Firstly, there's reckoning with emotions by actively noticing and investigating them. This involves being mindful of the emotions experienced and delving into associated thoughts, physical sensations, and feelings. Identifying the trigger behind these emotions is crucial, questioning why certain emotions surface strongly at a given moment.

The next step involves 'rumbling' with the stories individuals tell themselves to uncover any false beliefs. Brown introduces a tool called "the story I'm making up is…" to dissect inner narratives surrounding events or emotions. This involves challenging personal assumptions as one would when advising a friend, scrutinizing the logical basis of these narratives.

Finally, the process encourages individuals to revolutionize their attitudes based on the insights gained. The aim is to use this newfound understanding to learn, grow, and respond more constructively in future situations.

The book's message proved valuable to the reader, leading to a positive outcome in a difficult conversation with their partner. By applying Brown's advice, they managed to articulate their feelings and needs effectively, leading to a mutually satisfactory resolution.

However, the reader found the book too focused on introspection and anecdotes from Brown's life, especially as they had read her books out of order. They suspect that reading "Daring Greatly" might provide more context and depth to fully appreciate "Rising Strong."

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