Workshop 03 In/Over
This is the video recording of the Adept Play workshop "In/Over" held November 3, 2024, with associated slides and activity materials.The recording divided into two parts, each about 1.5 hours long. It is made available with permission from the participants.
The topic is the authorities in play: who says what about what, how these are organized, and what constraints may be applied. These are the anatomy of any and all role-playing, for which the points, turns, dice, builds, and anything else typically called the rules areĀ details. Understanding authorities demolishes the toxic presence of control. This is the apex skills-based topic directed toward the practical, constructive understanding of play.
Adept Play workshops are held during the first week of each month. The next one is "What Went Wrong," concerning the hobby, industry, and culture of role-playing.
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