Check List | Vocabulary List | Wish List | To-Do List | Notes | Habit Tracker
- Check List
Write your checklist to do not to forget anything
- Vocabulary List
Write 20 new words in that theme
- Wish List
Write where you can get it, and its price
Check the box when you get it
- To-Do List
Set your to-do list
- Notes
- Habit tracker
Monitor your fulfilment
➜ 3 PDFs available to download:
▪ 1 page of Check List // A4
▪ 1 page of Vocabulary List // A4
▪ 1 page of Wish List // A4
▪ 1 page of TO-DO List // A4
▪ 1 page of Notes // A4
▪ 1 page of Habit Tracker // A4
▪ 1 page of Check List // A5
▪ 1 page of Vocabulary List // A5
▪ 1 page of Wish List // A5
▪ 1 page of TO-DO List // A5
▪ 1 page of Notes // A5
▪ 1 page of Habit Tracker // A5
▪ 1 page of Check List // LETTER
▪ 1 page of Vocabulary List // LETTER
▪ 1 page of Wish List // LETTER
▪ 1 page of TO-DO List // LETTER
▪ 1 page of Notes // LETTER
▪ 1 page of Habit Tracker // LETTER
▪ use the PDF with digital note-taking apps (like GoodNotes, Notability, Noteshelf, etc. ) to create a Digital Planner
▪ print the PDF yourself at home with your printer, as many times as you want