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If you enjoy what I do on Tumblr and would like to help me keep doing it, please consider throwing a dollar or two my way. It helps keep the lights on and enables me to work on creative projects and pay for my editors and illustrators.
Select a membership level below to get started

Support the Blog

per month
If you enjoy what I do on Tumblr and would like to help me keep doing it, please consider throwing a dollar my way. It helps keep the lights on and makes wading into my inbox with the mental equivalent of a hazmat suit a little easier. You'll also have access to some additional posts before they go live on Tumblr.

Buy me a (metaphorical) coffee.

per month
Buy me a metaphorical coffee and gain access to the Discord and behind-the-scenes posts of upcoming projects.

(Check your email for the Discord invite!)

Support the Mop

per month
Help keep Holly Mop into the life of luxury she's grown accustomed to and help us afford her expensive, delicate tummy treats. (Image credit to inthroughthesunroof on Tumblr.)

Access to Discord and behind-the-scenes posts included.

(Check your email for the Discord invite!)