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Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star—Eye-Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge About Israel, the Jews, Zionism, and the Rothschilds

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Shocker! Rothschild has a dark, secret plan for America—and you’re not going to like it. He’s also got conspirators working inside the U.S. government and in the White House. These men and women have no love for America and its citizens. Instead, they constantly plot with Wall Street bankers and socialist revolutionaries to destroy our nation and seek to forge in its place a tyrannical New World Order.

Unbelievable? Well, you won’t think so after you have read the astonishing, documented facts revealed in this riveting, groundbreaking book.

In Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star you’ll discover eye-opening revelations and forbidden knowledge about Rothschild, Israel, the Jews, and Zionism, and the hidden agenda that propels these evil forces. Greed, money, murder, and blood—these are the inflammable factors that motivate the elite, and you’ll find out just how horribly dark-hearted these Luciferian conspirators are.

Texe Marrs, one of the world’s premier conspiracy scientists, shines the spotlight of truth on the malevolent personalities who have afflicted our political system and economic structures. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush, John Kerry, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Newt Gingrich, David Rockefeller, Lord Jacob Rothschild, John McCain—they’re all profiled here. Disclosures from once highly classified documents give us incredible new information about the Nixon White House, the forced resignation of Vice President Spiro Agnew, and the Jack Ruby-Bill Clinton connection.

Discover also how Rothschild and Zionist Jews brought Red China’s Mao Tse Tung to power; who really killed President John F. Kennedy; the attack on Christianity by Michael Jackson’s Jewish rabbi; the hidden bloodline of conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh and how it affects his performance on air; the final testament and warning of Protestant Reformer Martin Luther; the stunning two million dollar bribe paid to President Harry Truman; the Babylonian black magic practiced by kabbalistic rabbis; and the real reason why U.S. military forces are in the Middle East.

Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star digs deep into the abyss and uncovers things the controlled media dare not even imagine. Satan, indeed, casts a long shadow, but Texe Marrs dispels the darkness and lifts the curtain with a shower of facts and truth that will leave the wicked conspirators gasping for breath.

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