OnHold Audio OHM035 Music & Female Voice
On Sale
To download an MP3 preview please click the preview button at the top of the picture.
After purchase the onhold audio package is immediately available to download in MP3, WAV & uLaw WAV formats.
Includes license to use the recording for one business on hold system in one geographical location in perpetuity.
Easy listening soothing music with the following voiced messages at intervals.
- Prompt 1 Thank you for holding
- Prompt 2 Please stay on the line, someone will be with you very shortly
- Prompt 3 Sorry to keep you holding, we’ll be with you as soon as we can
- Prompt 4 Please stay on the line, someone will be with you very shortly
- Prompt 5 Sorry to keep you holding, we’ll be with you as soon as we can
- Prompt 6 Please stay on the line, someone will be with you very shortly
- Audio designed to then loop to start.