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Sunday 21st January 2024 "come back to yourself"

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You will receive a copy of both the video & audio files for this Satsang meeting (MP4 video + M4A Audio format) 1 hour 15 mins

Question about the efficacy of using 'I-I' as a tool to abide as the self

Teaching on the value of surrender

Teaching on Guru Vachaka Kovai verse 1230 in a section called 'True Being'

Teaching on Guru Vachaka Kovai verse 773 in a section called 'Pure Being'

It takes effort to be effortless like the kittens and monkeys metaphor; a kitten represents effortless (being carried around by its mother), a monkey represents effort (having to cling to its mother)

(Description put together by volunteers)

You will get a ZIP (687MB) file