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Summary of the book (The Power of Focus for Women.. How to Live the Life You Really Want)

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How do I change my lifestyle?
How to achieve my dreams and goals in a world full of pressures
How do I balance my family with work?
What is the real meaning of life?
Dear woman Do you live the life you want? Or 90 to get there? And above all, do you really know what that life you're looking for looks like? Is that image that came to your mind what will bring you happiness? You want to change your life, but there's something stopping you? Who's behind any mask reading these lines or hearing these words? Can one wear a mask without feeling?
For all this and more we answer you about it in these lines, and about everything that might occupy your mind as a woman who aspires to push her life for the better constantly
Summary of the book (The Power of Focus for Women.. How to Live the Life You Really Want)
Who's this book for?
for those who want to change their lifestyle.
for those interested and looking to balance.
For women seeking happiness and the true meaning of life.
An e-book for only $5.
You will get a DOCX (25KB) file